propone alla vendita Ca' delle Rose, suggestiva e preziosa Casa Colonica nel Borgo antico di Gorgo, a pochi kilometri dal mare e dai monti, ben servita da
treni ed aeroporti; la proprietà è completa di due ingressi d’accesso, di
dependance e di annessi; a suo ornamento la circondano due Giardini con la loro
profumata Collezione di Rose Antiche, presenza unica sul territorio,
frutti a spalliera e piante vivaci, erbe aromatiche ed orto, coltivati nel rispetto dei principi della
BioDinamica. La dimora è stata completamente ristrutturata nella Primavera-Estate
2002, con finiture di pregio e dettagli molto accurati.
Più volte pubblicata
sulle principali riviste di arredamento e di giardinaggio in Italia ed
Trattative riservate.

This luxury beautiful and delightful Country Home is offered for sale and is set in the countryside
of the Veneto Region. It is situated few kilometres from
the sea and not far from the mountains with ski systems, and is also close to
main railway stations and Venice and Trieste airports. The property is complete
of depandance, summer gazebo and garden tools annexes, and is provided of two gate
accesses on main road and on the ancient village. Making it lovelier still, two
gardens encircle it with a scented collection of Old Roses - the only one of
its type in the territory - as well as fruit trees, aromatic herbs and a
kitchen garden, which observes the principles of the Organic Cultivation and
Biodynamics treatments. The mansion house was completely renovated during Spring-Summer 2002, with high quality
finishing and great attention to details.
It has been featured several times in the main Home
and Garden magazines, both in Italy and abroad.
Confidential negotiations.
Main House 430 sqm. + Depandance 75 sqm. Gardens for total approx 2000 sqm.
Info: - email :
Stimmungsvolles und charmantes
Bauernhaus im venezianischen Hinterland wird zum Verkauf angeboten. Nur wenige
Kilometer vom Meer und von den Bergen entfernt und gut vom Bahnhof und
Flughafen erreichbar. Das Gut verfügt über zwei Zufahrten, Dependance und
Nebengebäude. Zwei Gärten schmücken es mit ihren duftenden Historischen Rosen, die
in ihrer Art hier im Umland einzig sind. Daneben finden Sie Obst, Kräuter und
einen Gemüsegarten, die gemäß den Regeln der biologisch-dynamischen Landwirtschaft
angebaut werden. Das Anwesen wurde im Frühjahr 2002 vollständig mit
hochwertigen Materialien und edlen Details renoviert. Mehrmals in den
wichtigsten Einrichtungs- und Gartenbauzeitschriften in Italien und im Ausland präsentiert.
Fläche des Hauptgebäudes 430 m2
Fläche der Dependance 75 m2
Gärten insges approx 2.000 m2