lunedì 22 aprile 2013

Earth Day

The Plant-for-the-Planet Children´s Initiative was founded in January 2007.
It has its origin in a school presentation about the climate crisis of the - back then - 9-year-old
Felix Finkbeiner.
Inspired by Wangari Maathai, who planted 30 million trees in africa, Felix developed at the end of his presentation the vision that children could plant one million trees in each country of the world
to create a CO2 balance therewith.
During the following years Plant-for-the-Planet developed to a worldwide move:  At present approx. 100,000 children all over the world pursue this goal.
They understand themselves as an initiative of world citizens which campaign for climate justice in the sense of total reduction of the emission of greenhouse gases and an homogeneous distribution of those emissions among all humans.
Since March 2011 Plant-for-the-Planet has a democratic structure with a Global Board which consists of 14 children from eight nations.
 We children inspire other children and motivate them to become active .
With your sponsorship, you can help us to increase the number of ambassadors from 15,000 to 1million by 2020.
Stop talking. Start planting.
we symbolically shut the adults up, to show that it's high time to act.